Spring boot debian package
Recently got a task to create a debian package with Spring boot application to facilitate deployment process. The target OS is Ubuntu 14.04 and the application build system is Maven. Surfing the web, I found only one relative article described how to achieve the goal, however it uses Gradle ospackage plugin, which is not compatible with Maven builds. Thus, I started to find out the best way to create debian packages using Maven and how to apply the knowledge to make a package with Spring boot application. Complete source of the project could be found on GiHub.
Among various options I have chosen jdeb Maven plugin. It allows to create debian packages on any platform, pretty mature and well documented.
Spring boot introductory tutorial was taken as a source project. The only thing that modified is spring boot maven plugin configuration. It is necessary to make jar fully executable to be able to launch it as a service on Unix systems.
Separate module is responsible for creating debian package with executable jar. Firstly, the main artifact is copied using maven dependency plugin
And then debian package is created
Data tags specify two entities for packaging:
- executable jar that will be copied to /var/${build.finalName} with execute access rights
- symlink to executable jar that will be located at /etc/init.d/${build.finalName} for installing init.d service
Another important thing is control directory, that is specified in plugin configuration:
Looking at the directory contents you can find control file. It is like a pom.xml for Maven, but for debian packages. It specifies package name, description, dependencies upon other packages, etc. Detailed fields description can be found at debian documentation.
Package: ${build.finalName}
Version: ${project.version}
Section: misc
Priority: optional
Architecture: all
Depends: oracle-java8-installer | openjdk-8-jre
Maintainer: Michael Potter <supermegapotter@gmail.com>
Description: Spring boot Hello World application
Distribution: development
Other control files description could be found at debian documentation.
The only thing that is left is create a package by executing mvn clean package